Key Features
Understand how 42 Macro research will enhance your process.
42 Macro Portfolio
Construction Process
Premiere portfolio guidance built using
our macro forecasting models and
quantitative signals.
Global Market
Forecasts & Backtests
Better understand how we draw our
conclusions so you can apply our
analysis to any strategy.
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prepare you for the week ahead.
What You Get
Around the Horn
Our weekly report provides the latest US and global analysis and actionable trade ideas to help you profitably trade over the next few days and weeks. Know when is the best time to buy and sell.
Weekly Webcast
This weekly 30-minute webcast acts as a pure companion to our weekly note, walking clients through the thought-processes of our analysis and what data we will be watching that coming week.
Also Included

42 Macro’s Dashboard
Log in to 42 Macro’s client portal and get access our signaling dashboard giving you a view into the analytics behind our recommendations and allowing you to develop your own trading and investing ideas.
Plus Dashboard access includes signals for 42 Macro Indicators, Macro ETF’s, 42 Macro KISS Portfolio Positions, US Sector ETF’s, and Crypto exposures.

42 Macro’s Private Investor Community
Communicate directly with Darius Dale and our entire investor community via our private chat. This feature on your dashboard allows you to get your investing questions answered only by Darius or the other trusted members of 42 Macro’s likeminded investing community.

42 Macro’s Educational Resources & Research Library
Looking to better understand 42 Macro research? Our educational resources include product walkthroughs and breakdowns, a glossary of terms, the entire compendium of 42 Macro research since our inception, and access to The Macro Class. Investing is a life-long learning experience and we want to share our accumulated knowledge with you.
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Around The World
their investment strategies.