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How Will Trumponomics 2.0 Impact Investor Portfolios?

Darius recently joined Charles Payne on Fox Business to discuss the potential impact of President Trump’s economic agenda on asset markets, the importance of observing the market rather than predicting it, and more.

If you missed the interview, here are the three most important takeaways fromthe conversation that have implications for your portfolio:

1) How Will President Trump’s Economic Policies Broadly Impact Markets in 2025?

When assessing the impact of President Trump’s economic agenda, both positive and negative effects on the economy and asset markets are likely.

Specifically, factors such as tariffs, securing the border, and a hawkish shift in Treasury net financing (i.e., less bills + more coupons) are likely to contribute negative supply shocks to the economy and asset markets. Conversely, tax cuts, deregulation, and accelerated energy production could generate positive supply shocks.

Investors should closely monitor the size, sequence, and scope of these policy changes, as they will play a crucial role in shaping asset markets throughout 2025.

2) What is The Likely Impact of Tariffs on Asset Markets?

Although many Wall Street investors cite the Smoot-Hawley example when discussing tariffs, we believe anchoring on that scenario is misguided. The real impact lies in the currency market. China is likely to respond to fresh tariffs by significantly devaluing the yuan, which carries profound implications for global asset markets. Historically, when China devalues the yuan, other major economies follow suit with sympathy devaluations to maintain competitiveness, resulting in a much stronger U.S. dollar.

If a similar pattern emerges in 2025, this would likely lead to a reduction in global liquidity, which is problematic for asset markets in the context of the global refinancing air pocket that may develop later this year.

3) Should Investors Focus On Observing The Market Rather Than Predicting It?

In short, yes. Our number one piece of advice for every investor is: Listen to what the market is telling you. Because asset markets trend far more frequently than they experience changes in trend, it is always best to align your portfolio with what the market is trying to price in, not against it. The trend is your friend.
Whether we are in an inflationary or deflationary environment, the most consistently successful strategy across all market conditions is trend following.

To successfully remain on the right side of market risk, investors must rely on signals from proven risk management systems (e.g., KISS and Dr. Mo) far more than their gut feel, emotions, or understanding of company or economy fundamentals.

Since our bullish pivot in January 2023, the QQQs have surged 81% and Bitcoin is up +328%.

If you have fallen victim to bear porn and missed part—or all—of this rally, it is time to explore how our KISS Portfolio Construction Process or Discretionary Risk Management Overlay aka “Dr. Mo” will keep your portfolio on the right side of market risk going forward.

Thousands of investors around the world confidently make smarter investment decisions using our clear, accurate, and affordable signals—and as a result, they make more money.

If you are ready to learn more about how our clients incorporate macro into their investment process and how you can do the same, we invite you to watch our complimentary 3-part macro masterclass.

No catch, just macro insights to help you grow your portfolio—our way of saying thanks for being part of our global #Team42 community of thoughtful investors.

Best of luck out there,
— Team 42

Will Risk Assets Crash In 2025 Like They Did In 1998?

Darius recently joined Adam Taggart to discuss the likelihood of significant deficit reduction during President Trump’s administration, a potential global refinancing air pocket, and more.
If you missed the interview, here are the two most important takeaways from the conversation that have significant implications for your portfolio:

  1. How Likely Is A Significant Reduction Of The Federal Budget Deficit Amid DOGE And Tax Cuts?

Although we believe DOGE is likely to achieve meaningful fiscal expenditure reduction, our analysis of U.S. federal budget dynamics highlights significant challenges to achieving meaningful deficit reduction. Cutting spending ≠ cutting the deficit, once extending and expanding the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) are accounted for.

Our research indicates that approximately 61% of the federal budget is effectively untouchable. This includes FFTT’s “True Interest Expense” metric, which comprises Medicare, National Defense, Net Interest, and Social Security. Collectively, these expenditures represent programs that are unlikely to face cuts amid the current populist political climate and are compounding at a rate of +13% per year. The remaining 39% of the budget has already been shrinking at a compound rate of -12% per year over the past three years.

Given these dynamics, we believe meaningful deficit reduction appears improbable without tackling politically protected categories.

  1. Is A Global Refinancing Air Pocket On The Horizon?

At 42 Macro, we conducted a deep-dive empirical study on the global refinancing cycle and found it to be correlated with the global liquidity cycle. Currently, the lagged growth rate of global non-financial sector debt is accelerating sharply, and our models project this trend to continue through late 2025.

While conventional wisdom suggests this is likely to catalyze an increase in global liquidity, the risk remains that liquidity may fail to expand meaningfully, thus creating a global refinancing air pocket, similar to the divergences observed in 2008-09, 2011, 2015-16, 2018, and 2022, where the S&P 500 declined between 15% and 57%.

If global liquidity fails to follow the path of the year-over-year growth rate of world total non-financial sector debt, we believe it is likely to lead to severe disruptions—or even a meltdown—in global financial markets. However, we ultimately expect the dip will be bought because investors will finally find attractive valuations to bet on the AI supercycle amid tax cuts and deregulation. 1998 is a good analogy for how we are approaching financial market risk in 2025.

Since our bullish pivot in November 2023, the QQQs have surged 44% and Bitcoin is up +201%.

If you have fallen victim to bear porn and missed part—or all—of this rally, it is time to explore how our KISS Portfolio Construction Process or Discretionary Risk Management Overlay aka “Dr. Mo” will keep your portfolio on the right side of market risk going forward.

Thousands of investors around the world confidently make smarter investment decisions using our clear, accurate, and affordable signals—and as a result, they make more money.

If you are ready to learn more about how our clients incorporate macro into their investment process and how you can do the same, we invite you to watch our complimentary 3-part macro masterclass

No catch, just high-quality insights to help you grow your portfolio—our way of saying thanks for being part of our global #Team42 community of thoughtful investors.

Conditions Are In Place For Market Crash In 2025

Darius recently joined David Lin to discuss the impact of tariffs, the outlook for inflation, the role of gold in our KISS Portfolio Construction Process, and more.

If you missed the interview, here are the three most important takeaways from the conversation that have significant implications for your portfolio: 

1. How Are Tariffs Likely To Impact Asset Markets In 2025?

We believe China is likely to respond to tariffs by significantly devaluing the yuan, which carries profound implications for global asset markets. Historically, when China devalues the yuan, other major economies follow suit with sympathy devaluations to maintain competitiveness. During the 2018-2019 trade war, this dynamic led to broad-based declines in the euro, Japanese yen, British pound, and Swiss franc—on top of the yuan’s depreciation—resulting in a materially stronger U.S. dollar.

If a similar pattern emerges in 2025, we could see a sharp appreciation of the U.S. dollar in the second half of the year, potentially reinforced by a less hawkish Federal Reserve. This would likely lead to higher interest rates, rising bond market volatility, elevated currency market volatility, and a stronger U.S. dollar – all of which are headwinds for global liquidity.

Given the historic scale of global refinancing needs in 2025, we believe any liquidity contraction is likely to trigger a severe market correction – and potentially even a full-scale crash.

2. What Is The Outlook For Inflation?

According to our GRID Model projections for Headline CPI and the econometric study of all the postwar economic cycles in and around recession we conducted, we believe US inflation is unlikely to return durably to trend in the absence of a recession, which implies the highest probability outcome is inflation firming over the medium term against easing base effects. 

Leading indicators of inflation also support our hawkish NTM inflation outlook. Core PPI, a reliable leading indicator for inflation in this business cycle, began breaking down approximately 18 months before Core CPI and Core PCE. Core PPI bottomed in December 2023 and has been trending higher since.

Moreover, Core CPI and Core PCE deflator appear to be stabilizing at an above-trend level. These metrics may accelerate in 2025 before resuming the longer-term downtrend, and the key risk is that consensus expects inflation to keep falling, and a rebound in inflation—however modest—could force markets to price out additional Fed rate cuts for 2025 and 2026.

3. Why Did We Replace Core Fixed-Income Exposure with Gold in Our KISS Portfolio?

We incorporate gold into the portfolio to enhance diversification by reducing overall beta and introducing non-correlated asset classes, which helps mitigate drawdowns and volatility while also providing exposure to Fourth Turning monetary policy dynamics. Gold serves as a low-beta asset, with a trailing six-month beta of approximately 0.3 to the S&P 500. 

Moreover, the addition of gold to KISS reflects our understanding that if our Investing During A Fourth Turning Regime analysis proves true over the long term and the Fed is forced to accelerate financial repression and monetary debasement, it is highly unlikely that bonds will outperform other assets on a real, risk-adjusted basis.

We expect monetary debasement and financial repression to be tools that the Fed employs to address the challenges of excessive sovereign debt and a robust economy that leaves little incentive for buyers of government bonds, and we believe gold will prove to be a far better hedge against accelerated monetary debasement and financial repression than bonds.

Since our bullish pivot in November 2023, the QQQs have surged 44% and Bitcoin is up +201%.

If you have fallen victim to bear porn and missed part—or all—of this rally, it is time to explore how our KISS Portfolio Construction Process or Discretionary Risk Management Overlay aka “Dr. Mo” will keep your portfolio on the right side of market risk going forward.

Thousands of investors around the world confidently make smarter investment decisions using our clear, accurate, and affordable signals—and as a result, they make more money.

If you are ready to learn more about how our clients incorporate macro into their investment process and how you can do the same, we invite you to watch our complimentary 3-part macro masterclass

No catch, just high-quality insights to help you grow your portfolio—our way of saying thanks for being part of our global #Team42 community of thoughtful investors.

What Are The Key Risks To Asset Markets In 2025?

Darius recently joined Maggie Lake to break down the key risks to asset markets in 2025, the outlook for inflation,  investor positioning insights from the 42 Macro Positioning Model, and more.

If you missed the interview, here are the three most important takeaways from the conversation that have significant implications for your portfolio: 

1. What Are The Key Risks To Asset Markets In 2025?

We believe 2025 will be a year in which the distribution of probable economic outcomes is both wide and widening. This is largely driven by an anticipated series of significant changes to fiscal and regulatory policy.

Specifically, factors such as tariffs, securing the border, and a hawkish shift in Treasury net financing (i.e., less bills + more coupons) are likely to contribute negative supply shocks to the economy and asset markets. At the same time, tax cuts, deregulation, and accelerated energy production could generate positive supply-side shocks.

Investors should closely monitor the size, sequence, and scope of these policy changes, as they will have a significant impact on asset markets throughout 2025. If enough of the left-tail risk economic scenarios materialize, we believe it is likely to lead to a crash in risk assets.

2. What Is The Outlook For Inflation?

At 42 Macro, we conducted an econometric study of all the postwar economic cycles in and around recession. That process consisted of normalizing the policy, profits, liquidity, growth, stocks, employment, credit, and inflation cycles, and comparing current trends to historical patterns late in the business cycle, leading into, and through a recession. 

In that study, we found that inflation is the most lagging indicator of the business cycle, as it usually breaks down below trend 12 to 15 months after a recession starts. 

According to our GRID Model projections for Headline CPI and the deep dive study referenced above, US inflation is unlikely to return durably to trend in the absence of a recession, which implies the highest probability outcome is inflation firming over the medium term against easing base effects. Per our GRID Model, late-Q2/early-Q3 is when inflation is likely to accelerate appreciably enough to cause serious problems in asset markets.

3. What Does The 42 Macro Positioning Model Reveal About Current Risks To Asset Markets?

Our 42 Macro Positioning Model analyzes 15 long-term time series, comparing their current levels to the median values observed at major bull market peaks and troughs. 

Currently, many of the time series we track are breaching levels that have consistently been observed at major bull market peaks:

These metrics collectively signal a positioning cycle that is highly asymmetric, with participants who are bullish and are heavily betting on positive outcomes across growth, inflation, policy, and liquidity. 

As previously stated, if enough of the left-tail risk economic scenarios materialize in succession, combined with the extreme bullish condition we currently observe in the positioning cycle, we believe it is likely to lead to a crash in risk assets.

Since our bullish pivot in November 2023, the QQQs have surged 42% and Bitcoin is up +185%.

If you have fallen victim to bear porn and missed part—or all—of this rally, it is time to explore how our KISS Portfolio Construction Process or Discretionary Risk Management Overlay aka “Dr. Mo” will keep your portfolio on the right side of market risk going forward.

Thousands of investors around the world confidently make smarter investment decisions using our clear, accurate, and affordable signals—and as a result, they make more money.

If you are ready to learn more about how our clients incorporate macro into their investment process and how you can do the same, we invite you to watch our complimentary 3-part macro masterclass

No catch, just high-quality insights to help you grow your portfolio—our way of saying thanks for being part of our global #Team42 community of thoughtful investors.

Will Gold Protect Your Wealth Better Than Bonds Over The Long Term?

Darius recently joined Gavekal’s David Hay to discuss the current Fourth Turning, #inflation, the relative attractiveness of Treasury Bonds and Gold, and much more.

If you missed the interview, here are the three most important takeaways from the conversation that have significant implications for your portfolio: 

1. How Can Understanding Fourth Turning Economic And Policy Dynamics Help Investors Position Their Portfolios?

At 42 Macro, we conducted a deep-dive empirical study on Fourth Turnings to identify trends across economic, market, and policy indicators during these transformative periods.

Our research revealed that Fourth Turnings are consistently marked by explosive growth in sovereign deficits, rising debt levels, expanding government size, and soaring costs of financing deficits. These periods also see a sharp deterioration in sovereign fiscal balances—a trend already unfolding in the current Fourth Turning.

As investors, understanding how these indicators are likely to behave during Fourth Turnings is essential to properly positioning your portfolio and staying on the right side of market risk.

2. How Does Inflation Typically Behave In Fourth Turnings?

Our analysis of Fourth Turnings reveals that Democrats have historically emphasized government social benefits to supplement household incomes, while Republicans have prioritized lowering corporate tax rates. These opposing approaches have converged to fuel the accumulation of significant public debt.

We foresee the Federal Reserve is likely to be drawn into the equation, effectively forced to monetize rising public sector debt and deficits. 

We believe the explosive growth of public sector debt plus the Fed’s likely choice to monetize a considerable portion of that debt is likely to catalyze sustainably above-trend rates of inflation, aligning with our research that indicates inflation tends to accelerate sharply during Fourth Turnings.

3. How Can Investors Best Protect Their Wealth Against Explosive Growth In Sovereign Debt And Sustainably Above-Trend Inflation?

Our KISS Portfolio Construction Process is our systematic trend-following strategy designed for retail investors, with a core allocation of 60% Stocks, 30% Gold, and 10% Bitcoin. 

Recently, we pivoted from Treasury Bonds to Gold, which we believe is a better choice for investors in the context of the current Fourth Turning. Gold has consistently performed well across various Market Regimes, serving as a reliable hedge against inflation and economic uncertainty—particularly during Fourth Turnings, when sovereign debt and inflation tend to surge. 

Since our bullish pivot in November 2023, the QQQs have surged 40% and Bitcoin is up +174%.

If you have fallen victim to bear porn and missed part—or all—of this rally, it’s time to explore how our KISS Portfolio Construction Process or Discretionary Risk Management Overlay aka “Dr. Mo” will keep your portfolio on the right side of market risk going forward.

Thousands of investors around the world confidently make smarter investment decisions using our clear, accurate, and affordable signals—and as a result, they make more money.

If you are ready to learn more about how our clients incorporate macro into their investment process and how you can do the same, we invite you to watch our complimentary 3-part macro masterclass

No catch, just macro insights to help you grow your portfolio—our way of saying thanks for being part of our global #Team42 community of thoughtful investors.

Will AI Replace Humans In Investing? 

Darius recently hosted QuAIL Technologies CEO Andrew Fischer on this month’s 42 Macro Pro to Pro, where they took a deep dive into AI’s future impact on the financial services industry.

If you missed the interview, here are the three most important takeaways from the conversation that have significant implications for your portfolio: 

1. Will AI Replace Investment Professionals?

While many financial services professionals fear this, Andrew believes AI will not replace them. Instead, it will become a powerful tool every investor uses in some form.

Common applications of AI include accelerating workflows and increasing productivity by enhancing systems like report generation and client-stakeholder communication. AI’s ability to analyze vast amounts of data gives humans a competitive edge.

AI will not replace people; rather, people using AI will replace those that do not.

2. How Will AI Impact Investors’ Lives?

Andrew Fischer shared a compelling example from QuAIL Technologies, where AI is used daily to help investors manage the overwhelming volume of information they encounter. 

Each morning, QuAIL’s AI agents analyze around 5,000 articles—well before they have had their first cup of coffee.

Humans can not realistically process that many articles in such a short time nor retain or act on the insights while they are still relevant. But with AI, investment professionals can quickly access refined, relevant insights from thousands of sources. This means that by the start of their day, they already understand the latest fundamental and technical developments and their potential impact on their portfolios, giving them a strategic edge over other market participants.

3. How Can AI Enhance Repeatable Investment Processes?

One area where AI shows significant promise is in assisting the process of identifying Market Regimes. Andrew has explored concepts like geometric fractals and statistical self-similarity – research that suggests that the factors defining each regime can change over time. By incorporating AI, investors can track these shifts in explanatory variables, continuously adjusting the models used to capture these evolving patterns.

AI also helps investors ensure they are focused on the most predictive factors for identifying market regimes. With AI, a system can iterate and refine its understanding of market dynamics. 

Since alpha naturally decays over time, this continuous improvement and stress-testing of models is essential. AI can play a transformative role in streamlining such procedures, thus preserving and enhancing our and every investor’s investment approach. 

Since our bullish pivot in November 2023, the QQQ has surged nearly 30%.

If you have fallen victim to bear porn and missed part—or all—of this rally, it’s time to explore our KISS Portfolio Construction Process or Discretionary Risk Management Overlay aka “Dr. Mo” signals that have a proven track record of keeping your portfolio on the right side of market risk.

Thousands of investors around the world confidently make smarter investment decisions using our clear, actionable, and accurate signals—and as a result, they make more money.

If you are ready to learn more about how our clients incorporate macro into their investment process and how you can do the same, we invite you to watch our complimentary 3-part macro masterclass. No catch, just macro insights to help you grow your portfolio—our way of saying thanks for being part of our global #Team42 community of thoughtful investors.

To Survive The Fourth Turning, You Must Listen To The Market

Darius sat down with our friend Charles Payne on Fox Business last week to discuss the impact of the Fourth Turning on the economy and asset markets.

If you missed the interview, here is the most important takeaway from the conversation that has significant implications for your portfolio: 

During This Fourth Turning, Public Debt Growth Is Likely to Vastly Exceed Current Projections. The Only Institution With A Balance Sheet Large Enough to Finance This Is The Federal Reserve—And They Will.

That said, risk assets will NOT appreciate throughout the Fourth Turning in a straight line. There will be significant drawdowns to risk manage along the way – perhaps as painful as the Dot Com Bust, GFC, or COVID crash.  

Fortuitously, 42 Macro clients have access to our KISS Portfolio Construction Process and Discretionary Risk Management Overlay aka “Dr. Mo” to help them successfully navigate their portfolios throughout these increasingly trying geopolitical times.  

By now, you’ve likely realized that piecing together an investment strategy from finance podcasts, YouTube videos, and macro “gurus” on 𝕏 is not delivering the results you know you deserve. 

This kind of approach only leads to confusion from conflicting advice, frustration from mediocre returns, and exhaustion from the emotional rollercoaster of your portfolio swings.

If you don’t change your process, how can you expect to get better results?

Over 2,000 investors around the world confidently make smarter investment decisions using our clear, actionable, and accurate signals—and as a result, they make more money.

If you are ready to learn more about how our clients incorporate macro into their investment process and how you can do the same, we invite you to watch our complimentary 3-part macro masterclass

No catch, just macro insights to help you grow your portfolio—our way of saying thanks for being part of the 42 Macro universe.

What Will The Future of AI Hold?

Darius recently hosted our friend Beth Kindig on 42 Macro’s Pro to Pro, where they discussed the outlook for the Tech and Communication sectors, how companies will benefit from AI, the scale of AI as an investment opportunity, and more.

If you missed the interview, here are the three most important takeaways from the conversation that have significant implications for your portfolio: 

1. Are The Tech and Communication Services Sectors Overvalued?

Our research shows that the valuations of the Tech and Communication Services sectors, when combined, are comparable to levels seen during the dot-com bubble.

At 42 Macro, we monitor metrics such as the trailing 12-month price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio, price-to-sales ratio, and the combined market cap of these sectors as a share of total S&P 500 market cap.

While the current earnings and cash flow generation of these companies make a return to the extreme P/E levels of the dot-com bubble unlikely in the medium term, we have already exceeded the peak price-to-sales ratio and their share of the overall S&P 500 index from that period. This suggests that while earnings may provide some cushion, valuation pressures remain elevated compared to historical benchmarks.

2. How Will Firms Become More Profitable Through The Implementation of AI? 

Estimates from McKinsey and Gartner indicate that AI will generate $4.4 trillion in global profits. But where will these profits come from?

One example, highlighted by Beth Kindig, is Klarna, the buy-now-pay-later unicorn valued at around $7 billion. Klarna recently announced plans to eliminate Salesforce and Workday from their tech stack by developing custom large language models tailored to their needs.

Beth estimates the custom models might cost them between $3 to $7 million, compared to the tens of millions they would spend on Salesforce and Workday subscriptions. By integrating custom AI solutions and cutting out those expensive software products, Klarna will likely become more profitable.

3. Is AI A Better Investment Opportunity Than The Internet?

The internet is open-source and highly democratized, allowing anyone to create a website easily.

AI, however, is the opposite. It is proprietary, with companies owning their large language models. The barrier to entry for AI is extremely high, unlike the internet, where it is nearly nonexistent.

Training an LLM is costly, and the scarcity of GPUs makes success in AI challenging. This creates a winner-takes-all environment where early movers gain a significant competitive edge. Investing in AI today presents a rare opportunity to benefit from a high-barrier-to-entry industry with massive growth potential and the power to shape entire sectors for years to come.

By now, you’ve likely realized that piecing together an investment strategy from finance podcasts, YouTube videos, and macro “gurus” on 𝕏 is not delivering the results you know you deserve. 

This kind of approach only leads to confusion from conflicting advice, frustration from mediocre returns, and exhaustion from the emotional rollercoaster of your portfolio swings.

If you don’t change your process, how can you expect to get better results?

Over 2,000 investors around the world confidently make smarter investment decisions using our clear, actionable, and accurate signals—and as a result, they make more money.

If you are ready to join them, we are here to support you.

When you sign up, you’ll get immediate access to our premium research and signals—and if we’re not the right fit, you can cancel anytime without penalty. 

The 42 Macro Investment Process

Darius joined our friend Tony Sablan on the Unscripted Arena podcast to discuss Darius’ unique background, the 42 Macro risk management process, overcoming cognitive biases in investing, and more.

If you missed the interview, here are the three most important takeaways from the conversation that have significant implications for your portfolio: 

1. Stop Relying On Predictions If You Want To Make Money In Financial Markets

Making money in asset markets is not about predicting future developments in the economy. It is impossible to generate consistently accurate forecasts for every relevant growth, inflation, and policy catalyst, across economic cycles. Moreover, any investor who believes they can accurately forecast the future with enough precision to position for each meaningful surprise in the data relative to consensus expectations is either a newsletter-writing charlatan or someone who has succumbed to the Illusion of Validity. 

Instead, making and saving money in asset markets is about positioning yourself on the right side of market risk, which equates to being long assets that are trending higher and short or out of assets that are trending lower. 

An overwhelming focus on predicting the future will only hinder your ability to respond to critical inflections in momentum with enough speed and confidence to manage risk consistently and effectively. You don’t have to predict things like “liquidity”, “flows”, etc. to benefit from trends and inflections in those cycles, just as long as you remain disciplined about your risk management process. 

2. Investors Should Position According To The Current Market Regime

The 42 Macro Risk Management Process simplifies complex market dynamics into a clear and straightforward three-step approach:

  1. Identify and position for the Market Regime
  2. Prepare for regime change using quantitative signals with our Macro Weather Model
  3. Prepare for regime change using qualitative signals via our fundamental research

Since mid-November, we have remained in a risk-on Market Regime, currently REFLATION. That means you should have been overweight risk assets like stocks, credit, commodities, and crypto and underweight defensive assets like Treasury bonds and the US dollar every day since. 

As an institutional investor, you should also understand the key portfolio construction considerations for each Market Regime. If you need help understanding these critical factor tilts, we are here to help.

3. Our Macro Weather Model Systematically Nowcasts Momentum Across The Principal Components of Macro

The Macro Weather Model is our process for analyzing several principal components of macro and translating those components into a 3-month outlook for major asset classes, including stocks, bonds, the dollar, commodities, and Bitcoin.

This model monitors indicators that reflect both the real economy cycles and financial economy cycles:

Currently, the Macro Weather Model suggests a bearish three-month outlook for stocks and bonds, a neutral three-month outlook for commodities and Bitcoin, and a bullish three-month outlook for the US dollar. In totality, our Macro Weather Model currently suggests the Market Regime has a moderate risk of experiencing a RORO phase transition (i.e., risk-on to risk-off, or vice versa) to a risk-off Market Regime within three months. 

That’s a wrap! 

If you found this blog post helpful, explore our research for exclusive, hedge-fund-caliber investment insights you can act on today.

Is There Further Upside Risk In Asset Markets?

Darius joined David Hunter last week on our Pro to Pro Live to discuss the 42 Macro Positioning Model, the outlook for asset markets, our “Green Shoots Globally” theme, and more.

If you missed the interview, here are the three most important takeaways from the conversation that have significant implications for your portfolio: 

1. Our Positioning Model Suggests There Is Likely Additional Risk To The Upside Over The Medium Term

Bears have found themselves reluctant to join the recent rally in equities. 

Our 42 Macro Positioning Model monitors the aggregated non-commercial net length as a percentage of total open interest in the combined futures and options markets for US Equities. Currently, this indicator sits in the 33rd percentile of readings, notably lower than the median reading of the 62nd percentile seen at major bull market peaks.

Despite the significant market rally, we have yet to witness the structural upside capitulation characteristic of bull market peaks. This absence suggests there is likely potential for further upside over the medium term, although there may be a correction in the near term.

2. Cash On The Sidelines Stays On The Sidelines Until There Are Reasons For It To Exit

Currently, over $6 trillion is parked in money market funds. 

Our analysis, spanning the last four cycles—2020, 2008, 2001, and 1991 —reveals a consistent pattern: cash on the sidelines tends to stay put in these funds until after a crash, recession, and rate cuts have each taken place.

We anticipate this cycle will follow suit, with the bulk of cash on the sidelines staying put until these pivotal events unfold.

3. “Green Shoots Globally” Continues To Support Risk Assets

In January, we authored our “Green Shoots Globally” theme that was supportive of asset markets.

The theme persists, as our models show that every major economy in the world has a Composite PMI trending higher—a bullish leading indicator suggesting what is likely to occur over the next three to six months from an economic standpoint. 

Moreover, we track the number of industries reporting growth in the ISM Manufacturing survey. In December, that number bottomed. Our backtests have found that in the year following the bottom, the S&P generates a median return of 28%. While this is just one data cyclical framework to respect, it strongly suggests that the broadening of market breadth stemming from improving global fundamentals is likely to continue.

That’s a wrap! 

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3. Have a great day!